This website is currently under construction.

Welcome to the website of the start-up of Sinas Corp!

Please have some patience as we are working hard getting this website up and running, and our first product released.
In the mean time, we would like to introduce to you our three branches of Sinas Corp.
We hope to see you back soon!

Sinas Corp Electronics will be focused on electronic designs and supportive designs and products for larger projects. It will also be the design pillar for the Sinas Corp Audo products.

Sinas Corp Audio wiill be focused on products and designs related to professional audio- and music studio equipment. We are pleased to be able to tell you that we are currently working on an exciting high end music studio product. There is not yet a release date, but we will inform you as soon as possible via this website.

Sinas Corp Music is the the third pillar and will support new and upcoming artists in getting ther music know to the world.